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Due Dilligence

Head in the clouds...feet firmly grounded

The pace of technology development has never been faster.  New markets based on space based assets and data products are reshaping our view of the world and enabling new business opportunities.  Whether through adaptation of terrestrial technology, evolution of existing space capabilities, or a unique application enabled by the analytics of space based data, space represents a new frontier for entrepreneurs.

With this new frontier comes forward looking projections of capabilities and performance that need to be vetted and reviewed against the realities of space.  Market due diligence and technology assessment are the cornerstone of understanding the difference between systems with commercial realism and those that are years away from being ready for prime time.

The team at WInston and Cooper has 20 years of experience in developing advanced space systems for commercial and government clients.  We understand the unique potential of space as well as the complexities of a very unforgiving environment.  Our technical due diligence services are designed to answer simple and fundamental questions to ensure the best allocation of investor resources.  Simply put, it is essential to understand:

  • Is the concept technically sound?
  • Are there existing or competing technologies (including terrestrial technologies)
  • How mature is the system?
  • Can it survive and be successful in space?
  • What does it take in time, resources, and funding to bring it to market?

To answer these fundamental questions, Winston and Cooper performs an in-depth analysis of a potential system or technology including:

  • Analyze the intended capabilities against the end application
  • Determine the maturity and suitability of a system for space
  • Critical review of cost, infrastructure, schedule, and required skill sets to achieve success
  • Detailed analysis of a technical approach in terms of electrical system performance, reliability and availability
  • Competitive analysis against current state of the art and emerging capabilities
  • Analysis of alternative approaches
  • Gap analysis of technology and potential showstoppers

The prospect of space as a venue for commercialization have never been brighter.  Coupling this potential with technical due diligence provided by Winston and Cooper provides investors with the knowledge and intelligence to make sound financial decisions.

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